Health Panel Discussion at the 2020 Veg Fest: All the Reasons to Go Plant-Based
Dr. Julie Chan discusses about all the reasons to go plant-based at this year’s virtual Kitchener Vegfest and how to overcome common obstacles including common reasons for people
Why We Should Stay Away from High Protein Diets
High protein diets are the most popular fad diets today but it might be destroying your health and not as beneficial as most people think. Dr. Chan shares her expertise on nutritio
Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet and Food Myths Debunked
A plant-based diet that mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains is known to have a lot of health benefits, such as lower the risk of chronic diseases inclu
How Naturopathic Doctors and Plant-Based Nutrition Can Help You
An in-depth discussion about Naturopathic Medicine and the type of treatments we can offer for patients.
Mind Matters – An Introduction to Naturopathic Medicine
Watch and learn more about Naturopathic Medicine and how it can help to prevent and treat chronic diseases, optimize health and improve wellness.